Early College Planning Seminar (January 13, 8:00 a.m.): This important seminar for all ninth and tenth-grade students and their families will guide the college planning process, course selection, and how to make informed decisions as we begin preparing for the future.
The faculty, staff, and students of Canterbury warmly welcome you to Grandparents and Grandfriends Days. Enjoy a continental breakfast, visit classrooms, share in activities, and spend time with the children in this special environment.
We kindly ask that you arrive at check-in time and not before to avoid carline congestion. Please reply by January 6 to Natalie Kuznicki at nkuznicki@canterburyfortmyers.org or call 239.481.4323 Ext. 238.
The faculty, staff, and students of Canterbury warmly welcome you to Grandparents and Grandfriends Days. Enjoy a continental breakfast, visit classrooms, share in activities, and spend time with the children in this special environment.
We kindly ask that you arrive at check-in time and not before to avoid carline congestion. Please reply by January 6 to Natalie Kuznicki at nkuznicki@canterburyfortmyers.org or call 239.481.4323 Ext. 238.
The faculty, staff, and students of Canterbury warmly welcome you to Grandparents and Grandfriends Days. Enjoy a continental breakfast, visit classrooms, share in activities, and spend time with the children in this special environment.
We kindly ask that you arrive at check-in time and not before to avoid carline congestion. Please reply by January 6 to Natalie Kuznicki at nkuznicki@canterburyfortmyers.org or call 239.481.4323 Ext. 238.