Dosoretz Family Fund for Academic Excellence

Canterbury School is pleased to announce a $1 MILLION MATCHING GIFT from Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Chely Dosoretz on behalf of their family to create the Dosoretz Family Fund for Academic Excellence. 

Dr. and Mrs. Dosoretz's involvement with Canterbury goes back over 40 years to the 1980s, with the enrollment of their children Dr. Amy Fox ’96, Lizy Dosoretz ’98, Dr. Arie Dosoretz ’00, and Abby Pezzi ’05. In addition, the family was so committed that Mrs. Dosoretz even worked as a Spanish teacher at Canterbury! Their love and commitment to the school continues today with the education of their many grandchildren (10 and counting) who are at the school or will be soon!  

As Canterbury School celebrates 60 years of academic excellence, Dr. and Mrs. Dosoretz wanted to give a gift in support of Canterbury's mission - academic excellence - and to encourage others to join them in supporting this important purpose. In explaining the reason for their donation, they shared, “There is nothing more important to our family than the education of our children and grandchildren because we know the profound and lasting effect that an outstanding teacher can have upon the life of a child.” 

To qualify for the $1 million match please make sure that when you make a gift, you note that it is either for faculty or academics. The money will then be earmarked to support both of these wonderful areas of need. For example, when you make your gift to the Canterbury Fund during our Fall Week of Giving, September 9-13, please note ACADEMICS or our FACULTY. As Dr. Arie Dosoretz ‘00 shared at the Leadership Donor event announcing the gift, “Our family is excited to encourage others to join us in supporting our teachers and academic excellence for all of our students.”

Head of School Rick Kirschner expressed his gratitude to the family for their generous gift and the ability it gives him to continue his efforts in “recruiting, hiring, and retaining the most talented and innovative faculty to provide the best educational experience possible for our students.”

If you would like to make your gift today and have it matched, please CLICK HERE

For the 2024-2025 school year, Canterbury School has retained Carney Sandoe & Associates, the leading provider of teacher and administrative placement services for the independent school marketplace. Canterbury will utilize this national search firm for key positions such as the hiring of Canterbury’s new Academic Dean. 


It is a fact that tuition increases alone cannot support paying the best teachers what they deserve. With the Dosoretz Family Fund for Academic Excellence, we can increase faculty salaries for newly hired teachers to bring them in line with the current marketplace. Additionally, it is more important than ever to retain key experienced faculty members, especially with the cost of living increases greatly impacting our community. This fund also provides the opportunity to reward our experienced faculty members with increased salaries.
For more information please contact George Pappas, Associate Head for Advancement and Strategic Initiatives, (239) 481-4323 x718,