Fourth Grade Students Celebrate Cub Cave Success

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, our fourth-grade students wrapped up their year-long Entrepreneurship project with a special presentation detailing the success of the Cub Cave. 
Started in the fall of 2023, the Cub Cave is a place where Lower School students come to shop for school supplies and innovative toys. Through this entrepreneurship adventure, the fourth-graders learned the art of running a business while applying math skills taught in class. Other key learning takeaways included communication, customer service skills, pricing strategies, and identifying market sales trends. 

During the presentation, our fourth graders detailed the store’s evolution and what techniques they used to boost sales. In the end, they blasted through their original goal of $3,000 and made more than $8,000! “Our fourth-grade students surpassed all of our expectations and truly embodied the entrepreneurial mindset," shared Ms. Stephenson, Director of Instructional Technology K-12.

The Class of 2032 students decided to make a legacy gift with their profits and purchase a new iPad cart with 20 iPads for students and teachers to use in the Lower School.