Junior Thespians Shine at State Competition

Canterbury's Junior Thespians were busy over the winter break as they traveled to Orlando for the 2025 Florida Junior Thespian State Festival.
Troupe 89393 took a host of events and a one-act performance to Orlando for state adjudication. Middle School Theatre Director Michael Lynch shared, "Our thespians have been working on these pieces since August and it all culminated in our most successful State trip we've had as a troupe!"

Our junior thespians brought home seven Superior and four Excellent ratings. Special congratulations to Kavi R. '31 for Best in Room, perfect score, and Top Honors for his scene writing on Supervillain.

Congratulations to all junior thespians on a job well done this season!

Chloe L. '30Solo MusicalNaughty - MatildaSuperior
Lucy C. '29Stage ManagementA Midsummer Night's DreamSuperior
Kavi R. '31Scene WritingSupervillainSuperior, Best in Room, Perfect, TOP HONORS!
Maxwell A. '30, Felice G. '30, Lucy C. '29, Hannah E. '29, Vera F. '30, JJ F. '30, Sophia L. '29, Chloe L. '30, Lily M. '29, Nole N. '29, Harper P. '30, Victoria P. '29, Bella R. '29, Sophia R. '29, Kavi R. '31, Yusef S. '30, Riya S. '29, Walker S. '30, Violet V. '29One ActA Midsummer Night's DreamExcellent
Walker S. '30, Sophia R. '29Duet ActingBrother's Grimm SpectaculathonSuperior
Lily M.' 29, Bella R. '29Duet ActingWait Wait Bo BaitSuperior
Maxwell A. '30, Felice G. '30, Nole N. '29, Yusef S. '30Ensemble ActingThe Day the Internet DiedSuperior
Julia C. '31, Kavi R. '31ImprovImprovExcellent
Emily A. '31, Nico S. '31ImprovImprovExcellent
Lily M. '29MonologueLola - Monologue Show From HellSuperior
JJ F. '30Solo MusicalProud of Your BoyExcellent